Tokyo to consider bill banning LBGT+ discrimination

Tokyo’s Metropolitan Government is considering a bill that includes a stipulation against LGBT+ discrimination. The bill is the first of its kind in Tokyo, and comes as preparations for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games begin in earnest, in an attempt to “realize the idea of respect for human rights in the Olympic Charter.”

Though the drafting of the bill appears not to have included a non-discrimination stipulation originally, the metropolitan government called for Tokyo residents to submit opinions online in May.

“While I thought it was a good move when I learned about the effort to enact the ordinance on the news, I felt uneasy because I couldn’t tell whether the bill would include a discrimination ban or not,” said LGBT+ rights activist Soshi Matsuoka.

In a heartening response, the metropolitan government announced the inclusion of the stipulation, given “the public comments received.”

Read more at The Mainichi


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