Massachusetts votes to uphold transgender rights

Massachusetts resoundingly rejected attacks on transgender rights in Tuesday’s election, upholding a 2016 anti-discrimination law protecting transgender people by passing Measure 3. Though that law, which prohibits discrimination against transgender people in the public sphere, including restaurants, stores and public transportation, and codifying individuals’ right to use spaces aligning with their gender identity, was signed by Republican Governor Charlie Baker, conservative opponents were able to gather enough signatures to put the question to voters this year – and voters sided with equality.

“Transgender residents of Massachusetts can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that their hard-fought protections will remain in place,” said Sarah McBride, National Press Secretary for the Human Rights Campaign. “This was a crucial test for our community and movement. The Yes on 3 Campaign demonstrated that when we tell the stories of transgender people and our families, voters will reject the scare tactics and side with dignity and equality.”

Read more at The Hill


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