Developing the next generation of business leaders.

OutNEXT is the first and only global talent accelerator for LGBTQ+ emerging Leaders. Since 2014, OutNEXT has engaged 4,500+ emerging leaders from 200+ organizations on 4 Continents.

Member companies are invited to nominate LGBTQ+ employees to participate in OutNEXT global events throughout the year.

Program Overview

A global program for emerging LGBTQ+ talent.

  • Overview

    First and Only Global LGBTQ+ Program

    OutNEXT is the first and only global leadership development program for emerging LGBTQ+ talent. Since 2014, OutNEXT has engaged 4,500+ emerging LGBTQ+ leaders from 200+ organizations on 4 continents.

  • Curriculum

    Combining Over a Decade of Learning and Insight

    Our proprietary curriculum provides learning modules, breakout sessions, networking, a social impact challenge, world-class speakers and peer mentoring opportunities—all designed to help emerging LGBTQ+ leaders turbo charge their personal and professional development.

  • Network

    Connecting Leaders Across the Globe

    The OutNEXT Global Summit is open to emerging LGBTQ+ leaders, 5-8 years into their careers who are employed by Out Leadership’s member firms. Each year our member firms nominate 3-5 emerging LGBTQ+ leaders to participate in OutNEXT.

By The Numbers

Companies that empower Outleaders are more competitive.

  • of LGBTQ+ employees

    Are more likely to be out at companies where senior executives are out.

    Source: Out To Succeed

  • of LGBTQ+ employees

    Are willing to go the extra mile for a company with a supportive attitude toward them.

    Source: Out To Succeed

  • of LGBTQ+ employees

    Have left a job because the work environment wasn’t accepting of them.

    Source: Out To Succeed

Diversity and inclusiveness are major priorities for PwC globally, and we invest in organizations like OutNEXT because it convenes the leaders who will drive social change in the future.”
Kevin Burrowes
PwC UK Executive Board, Clients & Markets
Everyone told me, ‘You can’t work in the corporate world, and be yourself.’ I was always being told there’s something wrong with me or, ‘Something wrong with the way you look. You’re not feminine enough, you’re not masculine enough. What are you? If you’re not a girl, do you want to be a boy, do you want to be a man?”
Jesse Lueck
Project Manager Specialist, Prudential, OutNEXT Alumnus
I think it really speaks to the excellence and design of this program that throughout the program you have time to sit and reflect on what you’re learning.”
Nicholas Washington
Audit Manager, KPMG LLP; OutNEXT Alumnus

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