In interview, Mitchell Gold speaks about how purpose can make business impact

In an interview with Architectural Digest, noted LGBT+ entrepreneur Mitchell Gold, co-founder of Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams, discusses how building a company dedicated to acting in accordance with deeper values and true purpose has been good for business.

Discussing his company’s commitment to employee wellness, Gold argues that “When you’re making quality product, one of the ways you achieve quality is through a consistent workforce. So if you have a labor force that is constantly out, or who are quitting and being replaced, it’s very hard to maintain a quality level. By doing the things we do, we have very low turnover. So financially, though it’s hard to assign a value to these things… we have the highest productivity and profitability per employee. So, though we started doing these things because they were the right thing to do, then we realized, ‘Wow, this really works.’”

When asked about the charitable and political causes he is personally involved in, Gold emphasized his support for LGBT+ equality, saying “Mostly, it breaks my heart that there are kids who are being told by their families, churches, communities, that if they’re gay, they’re sinners. Or there are kinds who aren’t gay, who are being taught this, and that’s what creates bullies.”

“I think businesses are very much leaders in policies, because they want the best employees. If you want the best employees—or the best country—you have to have equal opportunity,” added Gold.

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