LGBT+ Olympic Medalist Gus Kenworthy and Todd Sears on the power of authenticity

More than 200 LGBT+ business leaders gathered in May 2019 in New York for Out Leadership’s 9th annual U.S. Summit, sponsored by EY, Ogilvy, and Ropes & Gray.

Ogilvy hosted the first session, LGBT+ in the Corner Office: CEO’s Taking Action.

Gus Kenworthy, LGBT+ Olympic Medalist was interviewed by Todd Sears, Founder & Principal of Out Leadership:

“When I came out, I pretty much told myself that I was going to lose everything. I screen capped my followers just before the ESPN cover came out, and just waited for a horrible reception. I remember feeling free, but I was also so ready for these nasty comments—which I got. But mostly I got so much support. I was overwhelmed by it. […] Not one of my sponsors dropped me. In 2014, I went into the Olympics with no extracurricular sponsors. At the 2018 Games as an out gay man, I was the most endorsed athlete of the Games.”


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