Election of President Biden: an opportunity for LGBTQ+ business community to consolidate gains and bridge the “cultural gap”

New York, November 9th, 2020

Out Leadership, the only global LGBTQ+ business alliance helping organizations realize the economic growth and talent dividend derived from inclusive business, is pleased to congratulate President-Elect Biden and Vice-President-Elect Harris for their historic presidential election win.

Out Leadership Founder & CEO, Todd Sears said “As millions of Americans celebrated President Biden’s election this weekend, the LGBTQ+ business community is particularly elated to see a true champion for LGBTQ+ equality head to the White House. There is no doubt that President-Elect Biden will continue the work toward better opportunities for LGBTQ+ people as he did as Vice President under Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017.

“During the campaign, President-Elect Biden both committed to pass the Equality Act in the United States within the first 100 days of his presidency and make LGBTQ+ equality a centerpiece of U.S. diplomacy. We believe these two actions will help us consolidate gains on a more cohesive society welcoming of people with different sexual orientation or gender identity but also to promote abroad the American values of tolerance and equality.”

As part of the Presidential Appointment Project, Out Leadership will work with the Biden transition team to ensure LGBTQ+ talent is represented in the administration. We will also provide recommendations to the transition Biden team on measures to ensure greater representation of LGBTQ+ people on corporate boards, an Out Leadership priority as part of its Quorum initiative.

“With a great ally in the White House, we look forward to working with him on a host of private sector related issues including addressing workplace non-discrimination, safeguarding protections in other areas of life or leveraging the immense power of the US private sector to trigger change abroad.” said Sears.

As a company, we also believe that, at a time when the country is in need of healing and reconciliation, the private sector has an opportunity to showcase how LGBTQ+ equality leads to better business and better workplaces for all. That LGBTQ+ ideals are not a leftist idea but an American one. Out Leadership will launch this month, OutWEST, a campaign in America’s heartland to listen to the needs of LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs, civil society organizers and their allies beyond the coastal areas.”

About Out Leadership:
Out Leadership is the oldest and largest global LGBTQ+ business advisory that partners with the world’s most influential companies to build business opportunities, cultivate talent, and drive LGBTQ+ equality forward. We believe that LGBTQ+ inclusion positively impacts business results, and that including LGBTQ+ people at the most senior level of executive leadership builds business. We call this idea Return on Equality™.

Comprised of 85 global member firms and dedicated to cross-industry collaboration, Out Leadership is a certified B Corporation. Out Leadership convenes CEOs, business leaders and allies at exclusive invitation only events across 4 continents. Out Leadership also operates three talent initiatives: QUORUM, which aims to increase LGBTQ+ representation on corporate boards; OutNEXT, the first global talent development program for emerging LGBTQ+ leaders; and OutWOMEN, connecting senior level LGBTQ+ women in business. To learn more, please visit http://outleadership.com/


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