Summit Events
Monday, April 8, 2024
5:30-8:30 pm GMT: OutWOMEN+ Reception
Our OutWOMEN+ Reception is a private salon for out women and non-binary professionals, kindly hosted by Bank of America. OutWOMEN+ is the first global network of LGBTQ+ women executives. Our mission is to connect out women and non-binary professionals in business, call attention to their accomplishments and leverage their strength to speed progress for all women in the workplace.
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
9:00-12:00 pm GMT: OutNEXT Salon and Breakfast
OutNEXT is the first and only global talent accelerator for LGBTQ+ emerging Leaders. Since our launch in 2014 we’ve represented 9,000+ leaders, 400+ speakers, and 200+ businesses from 30+ Countries and 5 Continents. Our OutNEXT Salon and Breakfast, kindly hosted by Unilever, will feature guest speakers, our stellar OutNEXT curriculum, and a chance to network with other LGBTQ+ professionals.
6:00-9:00 pm GMT: Self-ID Roundtable
The Corporate Impact Roundtable, kindly hosted by Reed Smith, is an invitation-only event for ESG leaders, LGBTQ+ executives, and allies. Together we’ll review our goals for 2024, discuss Out Leadership’s Self-ID research, exchange engagement ideas, and provide an opportunity to connect, brainstorm, and network with colleagues.
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
6:00-9:00 pm GMT: CEO Dinner
This private salon dinner t0 discuss the state of LGBTQ+ equality is kindly hosted by HSBC. Since 2011, Out Leadership has convened hundreds of C-Suite and senior-level leaders for these engaging discussions and global networking opportunities. This invitation-only event is closed to the public and press and is exclusively for Chief Executive Officers.
Thursday, April 11, 2024
8:00-10:00 am GMT: NEXUS Breakfast
This event is a networking breakfast for LGBTQ+ leaders and allies, kindly hosted by Natixis. Together we’ll discuss the changing talent landscape for LGBTQ+ professionals and Out Leadership and NEXUS’s latest research on the climate for equality in Europe.
6:00-9:00 pm GMT: VIP Dinner and Reception
The VIP Reception is a signature Out Leadership event and will include a distinguished line-up of guest to be announced soon and an opportunity to network with LGBTQ+ and allied professionals. Stay tuned for a surprise musical guest! The VIP Dinner and Reception is kindly hosted by HSBC and Hogan Lovells.