FT: Large employers are working to support trans employees on the job

Emma Jacobs of the Financial Times published an article on Thursday detailing the work a number of corporations have done to support their trans employees.  While not every large company employs best practices when it comes to trans people, firms like Bank of America Merrill Lynch, PwC, and Prudential Financial, all Out Leadership member companies, have proven to be safe spaces for trans workers.

Maggie Stumpp, who spoke at the Out Leadership: U.S. 2016 Summit on Wednesday, transitioned 15 years ago at Prudential Financial.  While she received support from clients and coworkers during that time, Stumpp noted that, “trans people face a headwind because they might look and sound different than the gender stereotypes. Appearances affect hiring decisions and that is a huge strike against transgender people.”

Sarah Hodgson, a data analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in London, was supported by BAML when she came out and transitioned a few years ago.  Managers at BAML worked with her to prepare a “coming-out package” that prepared her coworkers for the change, and facilitated discussions and trainings around trans issues.  Noting how her work has changed since beginning to live openly, Hodgson said, “I used to be very quiet and would hide behind my data. [Now] I’m far more happy and productive.”

Read more coverage from the Financial Times


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