Joe Biden launches acceptance campaign for LGBT+ youth

The Biden Foundation’s new “As You Are” initiative focuses on increasing family and community acceptance of LGBT+ identities.

Despite legal progress and increased visibility in the U.S., many who identify as LGBT+ continue to face rejection and discrimination from their families and communities. “As You Are” hopes to increase awareness of this issue, and ultimately alleviate the problem through education. The Biden Foundation is asking for personal stories of both struggle and success from the LGBT+ and ally community. The campaign plans to use these stories as an educational tool to encourage “affirming, accepting, and supporting our LGBTQ young people.”

“We’ll use our resources to highlight the harms of family rejection and lift up research, best practices and personal stories to show the importance of family acceptance,” said Biden in the video campaign.

Since leaving office, Biden has become a particularly prominent advocate for the LGBT+ community, including by speaking out forcefully against the Trump administration’s military trans ban.

Read more at CBS News


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