GLAAD study finds LGBT+ acceptance decreasing among young people

A survey from GLAAD has identified a significant decline in acceptance of LGBTQ people in young Americans (aged 18-34) during the Trump era.

The Acceleration Acceptance Index, which measures different scenarios to assess acceptance of LGBT+ people, reported that the amount of young Americans who felt “very” or “somewhat” comfortable with LGBT+ people declined from 53% to 45%, the second decline in two years. Around 49% of non-LGBTQ Americans still reported feeling “very” or “somewhat” comfortable around queer and trans people. The survey polled a sample of 1,970 Americans who were 18 or older.

This decline in acceptance comes after renewed attacks on the LGBT+ community by the Trump administration. Hate crimes targeting the LGBT+ are also on the rise for the third consecutive year – they increased by 17 percent in 2018.


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